Produkto aprašymas
Ortofon Stylus 2M Red Pakaitinė patefono adata, Dažnių juosta 20-20.000 Hz (+3 / -1 dB) | Nemokamas Pristatymas
Su Stylus 2M Red išgirsite, kaip muzika atgyja savaip. Tai tarsi žingsnis į pačią muziką.
Stylus 2M Red
With the Stylus 2M Red you will hear the music come to life on its own terms. It is like taking a step into music itself. This is our entry-level cartridge in the series, but what an entry.
Stylus 2M Red is a replacement stylus for Ortofon 2M Red
Stylus lifetime: with proper care we find that up to 1000 hours is possible without degradation of performance. Please read about stylus care on our FAQ.

2M styli interchangeability
Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz
Tracking ability at 315Hz at recommended tracking force
Compliance, dynamic, lateral
Stylus type
Stylus tip radius
Tracking force range
Tracking force, recommended
Tracking angle
Equivalent stylus tip mass
Stylus colour