Garsas yra vienas pagrindinių elementų, lemiančių mūsų gyvenimo būdą. Muzika pakelia nuotaiką, stimuliuoja emocijas, įkvepia nostalgijos jausmą ir sukuria priklausymo atmosferą, kuri prasideda mūsų namuose. Muzika - tai universali kalba, galinti suaktyvinti kūno, proto, širdies ir sielos procesus.
Tikrasis muzikos skambesys yra tai, ko mes visi nusipelnėme. "Lumina" lotyniškai reiškia ŠVIESĄ, taip pat energijos ir gyvybės šaltinį. "Sonus faber" pavadinimą galima dar labiau suskirstyti, kad terminas taptų sudėtingesnis - tai savotiška santrumpa....
Gravis VI
The Gravis VI active subwoofer meticulously balances power, precision, and Sonus faber’s Natural Sound signature.

Strength and Design at the highest level.

Exemplifying the pinnacle of power and elegance, the Gravis VI active subwoofer is meticulously crafted to deliver striking bass performance to the highest performance speaker systems. Gravis VI is matched both acoustically and socially with the Sonus faber Reference collection.

Each Gravis VI subwoofer boasts an artisan-crafted wooden or lacquer top, enhancing its aesthetic allure. With its sleek, unembellished body, the design radiates a sense of purity and sophistication, complemented by Sonus faber’s signature leather finish on the sides.

Gravis adds beauty and depth to Sonus faber’s Natural Sound signature
Wenge Wood – Black Leather

Gravis VI Specs Highlights
Sealed box loading, twin drivers, active subwoofer
Sw: Ø 2x320 mm, long throw, sandwich honeycomb
cone, wide rubber surround LF unit
High performance Class AB
1700 W rms, 2400 W (peak)
Sealed box loading, twin drivers, active subwoofer
Sw: Ø 2x320 mm, long throw, sandwich honeycomb
cone, wide rubber surround LF unit
@ - 6dB acoustic Linkwitz 4th order roll-on, default setting
from 18 Hz to Fc (user continuously adjustable)
High performance Class AB
1700 W rms, 2400 W (peak)
< 2 W (Stand-by)
2100 W (Rated power)
2x LINE (unbalanced), Left and Right/LFE - RCA plugs
2x LINE (balanced) - XLR plug
HIGH LEVEL - Neutrik 4-pole Speakon© plug
100 - 120 Vac – 50 / 60 Hz or 220 - 240 Vac – 50 / 60 Hz
Factory selected
Rubber pad
616 x 448 x 585 mm / unit
24 x 17,6 x 23 in / unit
810 x 600 x 725 mm / unit
31.9 x 23.6 x 28.5 in / unit
52 Kg / unit
114.6 lb / unit
60 Kg / unit
132.3 lb / unit
Squared cabinet
High gloss wood
Black leather
T12A H250V (100-120 Vac – 50/60 Hz)
T6.3A H250V (220-240 Vac – 50/60 Hz)
Direct access Master volume.
APP control featuring: 4 selectable presets, volume, continuously adjustable crossover frequency (40 to 150 Hz , filtering slope 24 dB/oct); continuously adjustable signal phase (0° to 360°); up to 8 parametric EQ filters, delay (1 to 20 ms); automatic room calibration; selectable threshold auto power on/off