Garsas yra vienas pagrindinių elementų, lemiančių mūsų gyvenimo būdą. Muzika pakelia nuotaiką, stimuliuoja emocijas, įkvepia nostalgijos jausmą ir sukuria priklausymo atmosferą, kuri prasideda mūsų namuose. Muzika - tai universali kalba, galinti suaktyvinti kūno, proto, širdies ir sielos procesus.
Tikrasis muzikos skambesys yra tai, ko mes visi nusipelnėme. "Lumina" lotyniškai reiškia ŠVIESĄ, taip pat energijos ir gyvybės šaltinį. "Sonus faber" pavadinimą galima dar labiau suskirstyti, kad terminas taptų sudėtingesnis - tai savotiška santrumpa....
Gravis I
The Gravis I powered subwoofer offers an ideal balance of size and performance for smaller listening spaces.

Gravis I, the most compact powered subwoofer in the Gravis collection, effortlessly harmonizes with diverse listening environments and audio systems. Gravis I seamlessly complements the aesthetics and acoustic characteristics of the Sonus faber Lumina collection and the smaller Sonetto bookshelf models, such as Sonetto I & II.
Gravis I boasts a compact design that effortlessly blends into any room. Available in four distinctive finishes and adorned with a leather top, embossed with the Sonus faber logo.

Custom-designed drivers and amplifiers integrate seamlessly within Gravis I, delivering powerful depth with more efficient power consumption.

Gravis adds beauty and depth to Sonus faber’s Natural Sound signature
Walnut Wood

Gravis I Specs Highlights
Closed box loading, down firing active subwoofer
Sw: Ø 210 mm, very long throw, treated paper cone,
wide rubber surround woofer
High linearity Class AB
150 W rms, 250 W (peak)
Closed box loading, down firing active subwoofer
Sw: Ø 210 mm, very long throw, treated paper cone,
wide rubber surround woofer
@ - 6dB, from 30 Hz to Fc (user adjustable)
High linearity Class AB
150 W rms, 250 W (peak)
0.5 W (Stand-by)
200 W (Rated power)
LFE (Low Frequency Effect) - mono RCA plug; LINE - mono RCA plug; HIGH LEVEL - Neutrik 4-pole Speakon©
Factory selected, 120 Vac – 60 Hz or 230 Vac - 50 Hz
Rubber pad
334 x 286 x 316 mm / unit
13,1 x 11,2 x 12,4 in / unit
447 x 437 x 418 mm / unit
17.6 x 17.2 x 16.5 in / unit
14 Kg / unit
30.9 lb / unit
17,6 Kg / unit
38.8 lb / unit
Squared shape
Oper pore/ matte/ high gloss wood
Black leather
Factory selected
T4.0A (110 Vac, 60 Hz); T2.0A (230 Vac, 50 Hz)
Independent Master and LFE volume controls
Continuously adjustable Crossover frequency (30 to 120
Hz), slope 24 dB / oct
Signal phase inversion switch (0/180°)
Auto switch - on / off (deselectable)