Kolonėlės garso grindinės Dynaudio Xeo 5 aktyvios 300W bevielės kaina už 2 vnt.
Tai bevielės kolonėlės, distanciniu būdu kontroliuojamos, aktyvios su vidiniu Hi-End klasės stiprintuvu.
Virš 10000 Dynaudio legendinių aktyvių monitorių veikia įvairiose pasaulio įzymiausiose įrašų studijose. Šių monitoriįų pagrindu ir sukurti Dynaudio Xeo.
Galia 2x100W/RMS;
Dažnių juosta 36hz - 22khz;
Išmatavimai (Plotis x aukštis x gylis) 170 x 922x 275 mm;
Svoris 33.4 kg;
Spalvos: lakuotos juodos, lakuotos baltos, "satin" juodos, "satin" baltos;
Kaina už 2 vnt..
Mes manome kad Xeo ypatingos puikios aukščiausios garso kokybės kolonėlės. Paskaitykit ką kritikai sako apie jas:
10 out of 10 points for Xeo 5 in roundreviews.co.uk
"The wireless connection is wrought in steel and I experienced no drop-outs or delays whatsoever when flicking between songs or rewinding to that favoured part of the song."
"The ease with which the volume surges is unmatched in my experience and the speakers pump rhythm into your eardrums while delivering a hefty whack in the more bass orientated songs."
"The clarity and consistency of the vocals remained intact regardless of how loud the sound and the finesse with which Morrissey's vocals oozed over the Xeo 5s was a testament to the speakers' internal amplification and general craftsmanship."
"Rarely is technology so trouble-free technology and the Dynaudio Xeo 5 delivers on all fronts."
"Our Rating: A flawless pair of speakers that cannot be faulted. 10 Points."
Read more at http://roundreviews.co.uk/reviews/speakers/dynaudio-xeo-5-speakers/#VgWc6sGFIoPtctzG.99
Hi-Fi Choice
Hi-Fi Choice, October 2013 and Best Of Yearbook 2013
„Recommended“ award for the Xeo 5 from Hi-Fi Choice
“The Xeo 5 is an innovative speaker/ amp combo that offers music lovers a balanced, real hi-fi sound from a fuss-free platform. These floorstanders are blessed with a smooth, expansive sound, especially in the bass regions, and their even tonality ensures a very easy to live with presentation.“
Download the full review here
C.A.S.H. Award for Dynaudio Xeo 3
The American online magazine Computer Audiophile reviewed the Xeo 3 and was impressed:
"Norah Jones’ vocal on this track is the stuff HiFi dreams are made of. The Redbook CD version of this track (16/44.1) sounded delightful through the Xeo 3 system. The smoothness of the speakers combined with Norah's incredibly smooth voice is simply fantastic.”
"The Dynaudio Xeo 3 is the first wireless loudspeaker system I've heard that I consider truly high end. The Xeo system is simple to use, looks very nice, and sounds great. I had music streaming through the Xeo 3 speakers before the user manual was even out of its plastic bag. The system is so easy even the most un-technical luddite can set it up in minutes.”
Click here to
In 2012 Xeo received the EISA Award and was officially awarded the “EUROPEAN WIRELESS HI-FI 2012-2013.“
The new Xeo Series has been awarded with the prestigious
EISA AWARD: 16 international HiFi- and Audio/Video magazines voted Xeo as Europe’s Best Product in the category Wireless HiFi 2012-2013.
Diapason D´or
Audio/Stereoplay/Video Reader’s Choice Award 2013: Gold medal for Dynaudio Xeo!
The readers of the three German magazines Audio, Stereoplay and Video voted the best components of the last year.
The Xeo 3 wins one of the Gold medals with 40% of the votes and receives the “Stereoplay Highlight” in the category “Active-/Wireless Loudspeakers” But also some Silver and Bronze medals were reserved for Xeo:
Dynaudio Xeo 5 – Second place Audio, “Best PC/Wireless Speaker-Set”
Dynaudio Xeo 3 – Third place Audio, “Best PC/Wireless Speaker-Set”
Dynaudio Xeo 3 – Third place Video, „Best Stereo Active Speakers for TV”
A big thank you to all the thousands of readers voting for Dynaudio!
Diapason D´or
The Dynaudio Xeo 3 wins DIAPASON D’OR 2012
Diapason, the renowned French music and audio magazine recently named their annual award winners citing the best artists, recordings and audio products of 2012. This year, a DIAPASON D’OR was awarded to the Dynaudio Xeo 3, which was recognized as the first loudspeaker combining the convenience of wireless operation with first-class sound quality. The Xeo 3 convinced the jury with its “silky reproduction of the highest frequencies and impressively precise bass performance”.
T3 - The Gadget Magazine 01/2013
“Embrace the wireless revolution with a sound system powerful enough to blow the family dog off the couch.”
“…an impressively versatile sound system.”
CNET Online
"The Dynaudio Xeo wireless speakers are the real thing: true high-end speakers that just happen to be wireless. A phone or tablet loaded with tunes and a pair of bookshelf or tower Xeos is a complete hi-fi system. Dynaudio Xeo is, by far, the best-sounding wireless system I've heard."
Steve Guttenberg, CNET Online
Dynaudio Xeo wireless speakers on CNET
Hifi World champion 2012
HiFi World Champion 2012
Xeo wins HiFi World Champion award
For six weeks thousands of users voted online to elect the HiFi World Champions 2012 for the very first time. Dynaudio Xeo 3 has been awarded for “Best Innovation” - and is now an official “HiFi World Champion 2012”
Click here to read more about this award:
HiFi World Champion 2012
"The Xeo 3s are the best wireless speakers we've heard, and Dynaudio has done a stellar job in delivering sound broadly comparable to a similarly-priced wired system."
“Wireless; clear and dynamic; good timing; multi-source; multi-room; easy to set up.”
"Got your heart set on wireless speakers? Stop looking - the Xeo 3s are stellar."
Xeo wins its first award: Stars of CES 2012 by WHAT HI-FI?
“For some, the idea of high-performance wireless speakers seems like the holy grail. So our next Star of CES could only be the Xeo wireless active speakers from Dynaudio.”
Tech Award
Russian Award for Dynaudio Xeo 5
During the annual consumer electronics awards in Russia the Xeo 5 has received the prestigious TOP HIGH END Award
AUDIO 5/12
AUDIO 05/12
„Looks like high-end – and sounds like it.“
„Price/Performance Ratio: Outstanding“
„Start the source, choose the input, increase the volume level – it plays! Rarely installation and adaption of a technically complex product has been so easy.”
„Xeo shows how the future in High-End can look like: smart, wireless, easy to use, and a sound quality on the audiophile level.”
STEREO 05/12
“They impressed with a sound balance that baffled us.”
“Tonally both models had an especially even sound radiation and exceptionally neutral character”
“As a result we have to send our congratulations to Skanderborg. A real feat which only happens once in a while – innovative, trouble-free technology, combined with a step forward in sound quality…
Xeo 3: Four Stars – "Excellent"
Xeo 5: Five Stars – "Outstanding"
Stereoplay 06/12
“The Xeo 3 sounds delicate, based on a solid sound foundation, and it’s fun to listen to.”
“Detail resolution and neutrality over the whole sound range simply gets under your skin.”
“Dynaudio Xeo opens the gate into a wireless future. From now on, the reason for traditional hifi systems may be questioned.”
Video Homevision 5/2012
Video Homevision 05/12
“Impressive Sound; with a strong but differentiated bass foundation. Also mids and highs are high in resolution.”
“Setting up the Xeo is really simple: Place the speakers, connect the power cord, connect the Transmitter to the music source, and start streaming.”
Player 2012
“With Xeo you get finest Danish engineering …it’s a hifi system without the usual tower of components, and sound-wise it’s really convincing.”
“A prime example of small box – big sound!”
T3 Magazine
Xeo 5 in Gadget Magazine: The ultimate ways to sound, June 2012
"Simple, elegant and innovative; wireless sound just went high end."
"Best wireless speaker: Dynaudio Xeo 5"
GQ Magazine
Xeo 5 in Gentlemen's Quarterly, High End show review online, June 2012
"Good sound normally has to do with wires. But now the premium brand Dynaudio skips this link and introduces wireless speakers to the high end segment. Plug & play and you're ready."
Tech Award
hifi.nl Netherlands 06/12
“For the many pleasant hours I have listened to the Xeo, I found the purity in phase and the rhythmic consistency its strongest points.”
“Precisely because of the all-digital signal path and the finely tuned internal amplification the Xeo 3 is a superlative musical quality offer in its price range (and maybe even a bit beyond).”